4th Place Portrait Salvatore Gambacurta

4th Place Portrait

Salvatore Gambacurta

"Angler Red"


Salvatore Gambacurta won a  Freeway Longhaul 75 Carryall Duffel Bag


The Story: What a big surprise when I found this rare red frog fish or anglerfish as we call them in Australia. The anglerfish reminded me of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale, as it moved between two nets under the jetty. It jumped, seemingly in slow motion from one net to the ground and then up onto the other net. I was very fortunate that when it settled it was facing me in a perfect position. If you look carefully, you may notice it has a missing left eye facing straight to the camera. I was used a snoot to highlight the beauty of the angler's expression. This is an uncommon colour for a painted anglerfish around Sydney. I’m pleased that this fish seems to be thriving despite the pressures of living in an urban waterway and having reduced sight that must impact its ability to hunt.

Location:  Australia, Sydney , Chowder bay

Equipment Used: Olympus TG-6 Camera, Housing Kraken for TG-6, Strobe Backscatter Mini Flash MF-1, Optical Snoot Backscatter

Camera Settings: F16, 1/80, ISO 200


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