How to Win Underwater Photo Contests - From the Judges

First, to all who entered the Ocean Art 2024 Underwater Photo Competition, thank you. Just by participating, you are helping to spread awareness about the beauty and fragility of the underwater realm. Beyond that, competitions like Ocean Art also serve as great inspiration to your fellow underwater shooters, including the judges of this contest.
Every year after the judging has been completed, the judges are asked to share our thoughts about the body of images and the contest as a whole. In past years we have done so independently. This year, we are sharing a single document that summarizes our collective thoughts and suggestions for those who enter Ocean Art and other underwater photography contests in the future.
Judging this contest becomes more challenging each year due to the number of excellent images submitted in every category. This speaks to both the growing popularity of the Ocean Art contest and the number of accomplished photographers who participate. In this context, we thought that some additional insights and specific points might prove helpful for future submissions.
What Do Judges Look For?
The answer varies from contest to contest and from one judge to the next. No doubt, judging is subjective. One important consideration is technical excellence. Soft focus and/or missing the mark with exposure will weigh against an image. Good use of your frame and a well-composed photograph work in your favor. As judges, we often remind ourselves that we are judging a photography contest, not a contest about behavior or unusual subjects, although some categories are specifically meant for behavioral photographs. Sharing a rare subject might work in your favor, but an excellent image of a commonly photographed angelfish can also be a winner. Conversely, a poorly executed photograph of an extremely rare organism might not make the cut.
While subject or behavioral rarity can be a positive, it isn’t likely to make the judges overlook soft focus, bad exposure, or poor composition. Technical and artistic mastery are key.
What Else Is Important?
In recent years, we have seen a lot of “overcooked” photographs. By overcooked, we mean over-sharpened, over-saturated images. Being heavy-handed with clarity, texture, and contrast sliders wrecks file integrity. Super-saturated colors that make subjects and scenes appear gaudy and unnatural might get hearts and likes on social media, but such overuse of editing software leads to images that depart too far from reality.
In many cases, overcooked images look acceptable as thumbnails or at a small size. But when viewed full-size, the excessive post-processing becomes glaringly obvious. Our advice: Be judicious with post-processing software for submissions to any photography contest.
Other Tips for Excellence
Know Your Histogram
If important parts of your image exceed 255 on the right or drop below zero on the left, it’s unlikely to be selected.
Use a Calibrated Monitor
Many images with great potential are hampered by inaccurate color. Blues, in particular, are tricky to get right, and the ocean is not purple.
Be Judicious with Special Effects
Gimmicks like filters, multi-colored lighting, and special effects can sometimes produce outstanding images. However, they more often overpower the subject or grow stale. Always ask yourself, “Does this effect enhance or detract from the subject and overall image?”
Know Your Software
Specialized sharpening software, AI editing, and other tools can be both helpful and harmful. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of your tools is essential.
Read the Rules
Carefully consider the most appropriate category for each image. For example, a wide-angle photo doesn’t necessarily belong in the wide-angle category if it conveys a strong environmental message or showcases incredible behavior.
A Collaborative Effort
This year, the creativity displayed in the underwater art and fashion categories was truly inspiring. Each submission brought unique perspectives and innovation, making it exceptionally difficult to choose the winners. This is a testament to the immense talent and dedication of all participants.
We have noticed positive trends over the years, such as fewer entries with watermarks and a decrease in images with obvious manipulation of subjects. We hope our advice in previous years has contributed to these improvements. We sincerely hope that you find this year’s collective feedback helpful and that it inspires your future submissions.
Finally, we hope to see you and your images in Ocean Art 2025. Here’s to diving that is fun, full of adventure, and safe!
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