2nd Place Marine Life Behavior Julian Hsu

2nd Place Marine Life Behavior

Julian Hsu

"Guarding Eggs"


Julian Hsu won a won a gift certificate from Bluewater Photo and Bluewater Travel.


The Story: Most yellow pygmy gobies are found in old worm holes or empty bottles. We found these gobies living under the bottom of a black sponge. The male goby was circling around to guard their fertilized eggs. Due to the position of these eggs, I had to shoot it upside down. After I arranged all the gears and waited about 10 minutes, the male goby paused on the place I expected, and I pressed the shutter.

Location:  Anilao, Batangas, Philippines

Equipment Used: Nikon D500, Nauticam Housing, Sea & Sea YS-D1 Strobe, Retra LSD, Saga +20 diopter

Camera Settings: F22, 1/30 sec, ISO 200


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