2nd Place Coldwater Celia Kujala

2nd Place Coldwater

Celia Kujala

"Seaweed Toy"


Celia Kujala won a won a gift certificate from Bluewater Photo and Bluewater Travel.


The Story: During the fall of 2020, I spent many hours scuba diving with California sea lion pups in the Coronado Islands, Baja California, Mexico to observe their development. As they got older they became more and more curious and started playing with everything they could find in their environment. One day in October 2020, I was diving with them after some rough weather had brought in a bunch of debris to their home. This meant even more “toys” for them to play with. They especially seemed to enjoy playing with the kelp fronds that had washed into the area. They played with them in such a way it reminded me of rhythmic gymnasts with their ribbons.

Location:  Mexico, Coronado Islands, Lobster Shack 

Equipment Used: Nikon D500, Tokina 10-17mm Fisheye Lens, Nauticam NA-D500 Housing, Dual Sea & Sea YS-D3 Strobes

Camera Settings: F11, 1/250 sec, ISO 400


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