2nd Place Compact Macro Ocean Art 2018 Kate Tinson

2nd Place Compact Macro

Kate Tinson

"Red on Green"

Kate won a gift certificate from Bluewater Travel 


The Story: North Sulawesi is  Kate a wonderful go-to dive vacation spot. This shot was taken on our first day of the trip at Bunaken Island in June 2018 after arriving at 1am that morning. The colour of the coral and the beautifully symmetrical patterns are always attractive, and I was lucky enough to capture a very co-operative coral goby who posed like a real professional which produced these wonderful complementary colours.

Location:  North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Equipment Used:  Olympus TG4, Olympus Housing, Dual Inon S2000 Strobes

Settings: F6.3, 1/200 sec, ISO 2000


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