3rd Place Cold Water Ocean Art 2015 Annika Persson

3rd Place Cold Water

Annika Persson



Annika won a 7-night dive package at Roatan or snorkel package for two with Anthony's Key Resort!

The story:  Playing with grey seals off Farnes Island. Both for the photographer and the model, this has been a dream for many years and we definitely made some new friends. The seals like to approach you from behind, nipple bits off your fins before they may get a bit more approachable from up front. If you are making real friends, the seals will play with your dry gloves and you are just hoping they will remain dry. The best season is from July to October, but be aware of some surge at times. To help take the picture, a big wide angle dome helps, because the seal (of course) would like to play with their “image” in the dome.

Location:  Farnes Island, Northumberland Coast, United Kingdom

Camera:  Nikon D300, Tokina 10-17mm fisheye lens, dual Inon z240 strobes, Aquatica housing.

Settings:  ISO 640, f/8, 1/80


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