1st Pool-Conceptual Ocean Art 2015 Francesco Pacienza

1st Place, Pool-Conceptual

Francesco Pacienza

"The Painter of the Sea"


Francesco won a 7-night dive package for two people at Atmosphere Philippines!


The story:  Francesco, the model, is an instructor of apnea. One day during a dive are entered in that cave and seeing that big sponge Axinella, I thought it was the natural setting for the setting of the picture I had in mind. The shooting session lasted about 45 minutes, during this time, Francesco breathed from a cylinder and we made the appropriate corrections to both the body posture and the position of the brush and colors. 

The perfect briefing out of the water together with the great water skills of Francesco and the great understanding between us have made possible the realization of this fantastic photographic image.

Location:  Santa Maria al Bagno, Salento, Apulia, Italy

Camera:  Nikon D7100 - Tokina 10-17 Fisheye lens - Easydive LEO3 housing - 2 x Sea&Sea D1 + 1 Nikonos SB105 with Bank diffuser



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