Honorable Mention Wide-Angle Ocean Art 2016 Marie Elizabeth Mali

Honorable Mention Wide-Angle

Marie-Elizabeth Mali

"Mother Song"


Marie Elizabeth won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel


The story:  The mother rested about 30 feet down as her calf surfaced to breathe several times as I stayed still in the water. As the mother surfaced to join her calf, she turned her belly toward me and nosed directly upward, then used her pectoral fins to rotate her body and join her calf. Time seemed to stop as she looked at me mid-turn and I captured this photo. Her position in this photo evokes for me a maternal song.

Location:  Vava’u, Kingdom of Tonga

Camera:  Nikon D800 and Sigma 15mm lens (F11, 1/200) with Nauticam housing. 



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