Honorable Mention Portrait Ocean Art 2016 Jeff Milisen

Honorable Mention Portrait

Jeff Milisen

"Bad Combover"


Jeff won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The story:  I was out exploring the open ocean at night, when my dive buddy flashed her light to show me this.  At first it looked like a lion’s mane jelly, with hair flailing all about.  But as I looked closer, eyes appeared, then fins, then, finally, the lure took shape.  I knew I was watching something amazing, but I had no idea what it was!  Months later, the photo found its way to an expert who was able to identify it.  This is the first time Lophiodes fimbriatus (a type of anglerfish) has ever been observed in Hawaii, and possibly the third time it has been seen, ever!

Location: Kona, Hawaii, USA

Camera: Canon T1i  and Canon 60mm Macro Lens (F6.3, 1/200, ISO 100) with Ikelite Housing and Dual Ikelite DS-51 Strobes.



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