Honorable Mention Mirrorless Macro Ocean Art 2016 Daniel Geary

Honorable Mention Mirrorless Macro

Daniel Geary

"Investment Opportunity"


Daniel won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The story:  Juvenile frogfish are all over the sandy slopes of Dauin for part of the year, but when they are less than a centimeter in size, it is hard to get a unique shot. I started bringing a coin with me on every dive to attempt a different style frogfish shot and placed it gently behind this juvenile frogfish, without disturbing it or causing it to move. I increased the aperture to keep the coin in focus, as well as the frogfish, to really show the true size of the juvenile frogfish by using the coin as a unique size reference.

Location:  Dauin, Philippines

Camera:  Olympus EPL-5 and Olympus 60mm Macro Lens (F20, 1/250, ISO 200) with Sea & Sea YS-01 Strobe.



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