Honorable Mention Portrait Ocean Art 2016 Nicolas & Léna Remy

Honorable Mention Portrait

Nicolas and Léna Remy

"Grey Seal Sun-Bathing"


Nicolas and Léna won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The story:  It was a rather cloudy October day in the Farne islands, with a 3-4 meters visibility, and we were out there to dive with the famous grey seals. Towards the end of the dive happened what i was hoping for: a powerful mid-day sun made an appearance between clouds, bringing me up-close to the surface, looking for seals to photograph in ambiant light. This cooperative individual allowed me to approach in the right angle, at touching distance, and to achieve the portrait i had in mind. 

Location: Farne islands, Northumberland, UK

Camera: Nikon D500 and Tokina 10-17mm Fisheye Lens (F8, 1/125, ISO 200) with Nauticam Housing and Dual Inon Z240 Strobes.



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