Honorable Mention Mirrorless Behavior Ocean Art 2016 Maurizio Pasi

Honorable Mention Mirrorless Behavior

Maurizio Pasi

"Gazes from the Blue"

Maurizio won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The story:  It took me a lot of time to get this photo. The idea was very clear in my mind but many many dives were needed. These weevers generally live on sandy bottoms and usually rest on the bottom, often exposing only the eyes and the tip of the mouth waiting for something to feed. Take a picture from the top is usually quite simple, although they tend to get away as soon as they feel insecure. To get this photo I had to approach them very slowly and digging a hole to get the eye contact. Many many of this weevers escaped after I was ready to take my picture. One day I was lucky and I eventually found this conceited weaver and my efforts were paid off.

Location: Capo Noli, Savona, Italy

Camera:  Olympus EM1 and Olympus 60mm Macro Lens (F16, 1/320, ISO 200) with Nauticam Housing and Dual Sea & Sea YS-D1 Strobes.



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