3rd Place Nudibranchs Ocean Art 2016 Christian Gloor


3rd Place Nudibranchs

Christian Gloor

"Inner Light"


Christian won a $200 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The Story:  This Tryon's Hypselodoris (Hypselodoris tryoni) was ideally positioned on top of a small branch, “sniffing” the water. I chose to go with a snoot picture to try to completely isolate it from the background and give it this glowing look. Without having an assistant for the snoot, I’m very grateful the nudibranch gave me enough time to get everything right.

Location:  Lembeh strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Camera:  Olympus EM5 and Olympus 60mm Macro Lens (F10, 1/250, ISO 200) with Nauticam Housing, Sea & Sea YS-D1 Strobe and Retra Snoot.



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