1st Place Compact Behavior Ocean Art 2016 Lawrence Alex Wu

1st Place Compact Behavior

Lawrence Alex Wu

"Bait Ball Cocoon"


Lawrence Alex won a liveaboard trip to any of their cruises and a 50% off a companion with S.M.Y. Ondina



The Story:  Cocooned by a swirling ball of frenzied glass fish, nature decided in a matter of seconds this diver's fate...as well as his outfit for a several minutes! However, it was the instinctive nature of the predating school of larger fish that corralled the glass fish from the reef below into mid water where they all came upon this diver. The blanket of glass fish grazed against my whole body and face as they swarmed around me to avoid the incessant torpedoing attacks of the hunters.

Location:  Hin Deang, Thailand

Camera: Olympus XZ-1 (F4, 1/125, ISO 160) with Dual Inon Strobes


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