3rd Place Wide-Angle


3rd, Place Wide-Angle

Shane Gross

"Fire in the Sky"  Shot in Eleuthera, Bahamas with Nikon D90


Shane won his choice of $200 gift certificate with Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel!


The story:  I laid my camera on the bottom under a mangrove tree so it faced the surface. I had to trigger the shutter button with my toe in order to get far enough away that I wouldn't be in the picture with my fish eye lens. I kept my head above the water so I could see when the baby lemon sharks were coming and would shoot when they were right over my housing. It has taken me many days sitting in the creek to get a single one right over my lens. This particular time was magic because a storm was approaching (which made me wonder how my tent was fairing) and the sunset was breathtaking. 

Location:  Eleuthera, Bahamas

Camera:  Nikon D90, Tokina 10-17mm lens, Aquatica housing, dual Sea & Sea YS-100a strobes

Settings:  f9, 1/20, ISO 100


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