2nd Place Wide-Angle


2nd Place, Wide-Angle

Gang Song

"Crocodile's Dusk"  Shot in Quintana Roo, Mexico with Canon 5D Mark III


Gang won a 7-night spring 2015 Tubattaha, Philippines cruise plus companion 50% off with Discovery Fleet!



The story:  It was my first time shooting wild American Crocodiles - so excited. These amazing creatures normally are 2-3 meters long. They look even bigger underwater. There were hundreds of them surrounding the area. And they are smart and quick when they hunt, so you better watch your back when you focus on shooting. Especially when I have to get really close to their teeth. Thanks to Louis and Crist watching my back - you saved my nose and tail. And thanks to the friends who were there with me; you guys make this trip an unforgettable memory.

Location:  Quintana Roo, Mexico

Camera:  Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 8-15mm fisheye lens, Sea & Sea housing

Settings:  f20, 1/125, ISO 500


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