2nd Place Super Macro


2nd Place, Super Macro

Raffaele Livornese

"Perfect Eyes"  Shot in Anilao, Philippines with Nikon D90


Raffaele won a 3-night Fly Dive Cod Hole Liveaboard Expedition with Mike Ball!



The story:  To get the shot, I had a lot of patience to go very close to the shrimp, and continue focus trough the lens and the diopter, and finally I focused manually, cause AF don't work at a so short distance.

Location:  Anilao, Philippines.

Camera:  Nikon D90, Nikkor 105mm macro lens, Hugyfot housing, SubSee +10 diopter, dual Inon Z-240 strobes.

Settings:  f22, 1/250, ISO 100


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