Large Ocean Art 2020 Winning Images

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Best of Show

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 "The Day of the Tentacles"
Best of Show - Gaetano Dario Gargiulo
Shot in New South Wales, Australia


Wide-Angle Category

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 "The Day of the Tentacles"
1st Place - Gaetano Dario Gargiulo
Shot in New South Wales, Australia


2nd Place - Giles Auroux


"Mom and Calf"
3rd Place - Qing Lin
Shot in Vavau, Tonga


"My New Toy"
4th Place - Celia Kujala
Shot in Hornby, Canada


"Reflections 2"
Honorable Mention - Borut Furlan
Shot in Great Barrier Reef, Australia


Honorable Mention - Flip Staes
Shot in Turnhout, Belgium



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1st Place - Galice Hoarau
Shot in Siladen, Indonesia

"Baby Anglerfish"
2nd Place - Sayaka Ichinoseki

"Orange and Hairy"
3rd Place - Ludvic Galko-Rundgren
Shot in Tulamben, Indonesia

"Latest Gossip"
Honorable Mention - Andy Schmid
Shot in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

Honorable Mention - Erika Maiura
Shot in Kerama Islands, Okinawa, Japan

Marine Life Behavior

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"Mating Crabs"
1st Place - Steven Kovacs
Shot in Palm Beach, Florida, USA

"A Mother's Watchful Eyes"
2nd Place - Louisse Nott
Shot in Shellharbour, Australia

"Worm with Eggs"
3rd Place - Steven Kovacs

"New Life Into The World"
4th Place - Mayumi Takeuchi-Ebbins
Shot in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan

"Old Friends"
Honorable Mention - Adam Martin
Shot in Moorea, French Polynesia

"Take Over"
Honorable Mention - Luke Gordon
Shot in West Yaukuve Levu Island, Fiji Islands



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1st Place - Galice Hoarau

"Mardi Gras Blenny"
2nd Place - Jeff Molder
Shot in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

"Harlequin Sweetlips"
3rd Place - Igor Bogachenko
Shot in Tulamben, Indonesia

"The Eyes Have It"
4th Place  - Thomas Gaitley
Shot in Jamestown, Rhode Island, USA

"Never Smile at a Crocodile"
Honorable Mention  - Catherine Holmes


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"Cathedral of Kelp"
1st Place - Jon Anderson
Shot in Monterey, California, USA

"Waiting for the Kiss"
2nd Place - Johan Sundelin
Shot in Halland, Sweden

3rd Place - Matthew Sullivan
Shot in Shetland Port Fidalgo, Alaska, USA

"Jewel of the Kelp Forest"
Honorable Mention - Jon Anderson
Shot in Monterey, California, USA

"Dream Meeting"
Honorable Mention - Celia Kujala
Shot in Coronado Island, Mexico



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