Honorable Mention Place Blackwater Ocean Art 2019 Steven Kovacs

Honorable Mention Blackwater

Steven Kovacs



Crystal Blue Resort is sponsoring a 7 night dive package in Anilao!


The Story: Drifting at night near the surface in 600 feet of water can result in finding many rare and wonderful creatures not normally seen on dives.  The beautiful Spotfin Flounder is always a delight to come across with its attractive ornamentation. Fortunately this pretty flounder is fairly common off the coast of Florida where the fish lives in the open ocean during its larval stage.  The challenge thus  is to try and capture its personality and beauty in a single photograph as it tries to escape the bright lights of the photographer.

Location:  Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Equipment Used:  Nikon D500 Camera, Nikon 60mm Macro Lens, Ikelite D500 Housing, Dual Ikelite DS-160 Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/250 sec, F25, ISO 250


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