3rd Place Marine Life Behavior Ocean Art 2019 Steven Kovacs

3rd Place Marine Life Behavior

Steven Kovacs

"Worm with Eggs"


Crystal Blue Resort is sponsoring a 7 night dive package in Anilao!


The Story: During blackwater dives over deep water, many different kinds of pelagic animals can be found including several species of worms. While usually not the most sought after of subjects to photograph, occasionally these animals will display an unusual behavior that begs to be documented.  Alciopid Worms, as shown in the photograph, are fairly common but occasionally they can be found with a ball of eggs that they will very rapidly swim around in a continuous motion. At present, it is a mystery to the scientists as to what kind of behavior is actually occurring although it is suspected that the egg masses belong to the worms themselves.

Location:  Palm Beach, Florida USA

Equipment Used:  Nikon D500 Camera, Nikon 60mm Macro Lens, Ikelite D500 Housing, Dual Ikelite DS-160 Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/250 sec, F25, ISO 250


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