3rd Place Compact Macro Ocean Art 2019 Fabien Martinazzo

3rd Place Compact Macro

Fabien Martinazzo

"Pelagia Torpedo Seeks its Prey"


Eco Divers Lembeh is sponsoring a 7 nights all-inclusive dive package at their new White Sands Beach Resort in Lembeh!


The Story:  It took me lots of attempts to capture the reflection of a beautiful Pelagia Noctiluca underwater. While snorkeling, I was able to move on the surface on time and get the shot which looks like a furrow of an underwater torpedo. The magnificent jellyfish is deaded by swimmers because of its painful sting.

Location:  Cap d´Antibes, France

Equipment Used:  Canon G16 Camera, 

Camera Settings: 1/2000 sec, F8, ISO 80


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