2nd Place Marine Life Behavior Ocean Art 2019 Paulo Bausani

2nd Place Marine Life Behavior

Paulo Bausani

"Lethal Fluid"


Paulo won a liveaboard trip  + 50% off a companion with M.Y. Oceanic!


The Story: This squid has a completely different behavior than those that have been observed in inking cephalopods. Usually the release of large amounts of ink into the water by the cephalopod is aimed to create a dark, diffuse cloud that can obscure the predator's view, allowing the cephalopod to make a rapid retreat by jetting away. In this case the cloud of ink is used by the squid for hunting purpose: the ink contains a powerful venom that is capable of disabling the prey. 

Location:  Anilao, Batangas, Philippines

Equipment Used:  Nikon D500 Camera, Nikon 60mm Macro Lens, Dual Inon Z330 Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/250 sec, F18, ISO 320


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