2nd Place Compact Macro Ocean Art 2019 Stan Chen

2nd Place Compact Macro

Stan Chen

"Ponda Goby with Eggs"


VoliVoli is sponsoring a 7 night dive package in Fiji!


The Story: This is my first time to encounter Ponda Goby protecting her eggs, and it is so touched my heart so I took my camera to record this rare moment. I hold my breath carefully and waited for 50 minutes to capture this unique picture. In the beginning, I tried many times with different shooting angle but the light was very difficult to shoot into the deep of hard coral. The Ponda Goby is very shy so I kept waiting until we built up the mutual trust. With using the blue light as background that makes this picture more harmonious and this is an unforgettable moment to present a peaceful and bright environment for her hatching eggs – we know the new life will be continued.

Location:  Lembeh, Indonesia

Equipment Used:  Sony RX100 IV Camera, Acquapazza Housing, Sea & Sea YS-D2 Strobe, Arch Torch D11V, Nauticam SMC-2 Diopter

Camera Settings: 1/160 sec, F10, ISO 400


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