1st Place Supermacro Ocean Art 2019 Paolo Isgro

1st Place Supermacro

Paolo Isgro

"Clownfish Eggs"


Paolo won a gift certificate from Bluewater Travel!


Story Behind the Shot: There are three key components that resulted in this photo...

1. I used a 24 mm lens and an electronic reverse ring adaptor +  40 mm extension ring  to  get a  great magnification. 5 mm fills the long side of the frame - this means  4.5X  optical  magnification on my cropped Canon 7D  sensor (22.5 mm). 

2. My friend and  dive master Ajiex Dharma in Tulamben was able to find these clown fish eggs and assist me  during the shoot holding the snoot in the right position .

3. A lot of patience to manually focus and composing this shot  

Location:  Seraya Secret - Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

Equipment Used:  Canon 7D Camera, Canon 24mm Lens, 40mm Extension Tube, Sea & Sea MDX-7D Housing, Inon Z-240 Strobe, Iardino Snoot

Camera Settings: 1/250 sec, F8, ISO 100


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