1st Place Reefscape Ocean Art 2019 Eduardo Acevedo Fernandez

1st Place Reefscapes

Eduardo Acevedo Fernandez

"Raja Ampat"


Eduardo won a $500 gift certificate from Ikelite to be used on any Ikelite products!


The Story: Sweet lips are very common in the Raja Ampat area. You can see them in popular dive sites such as  Kape Cree and Sawandarek jetty. But this time, I was lucky. I was able to find a small group of this fish in shallow water, around 14 meters deep, with full cover by glass fish. The conditions were perfect, clean water, not to deep, and sunny. It was a great opportunity which I'll always remember with this incredible photo.

Location:  Missol - Raja Ampat, Indoensia

Equipment Used:  Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon 15mm Fisheye Lens, Seacam Housing, Dual Inon Z-240 Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/40 sec, F8, ISO 200


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